NETFLIX HACK: Enhance Your Netflix Experience with NEnhancer for Chrome

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NETFLIX HACK: Enhance Your Netflix Experience with NEnhancer for Chrome 1

Unlock Ratings & Trailers with NEnhancer!

Fan of Netflix Pause Removal and Netflix Categories?  Try NEnhancer! Unlock trailers, and ratings from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. This is another one with tons of downloads, good ratings, and frequent updates… click here to try it out.

NEnhancer for Chrome Description

Show trailers, IMDb/RT ratings, and much more, on the Netflix page.
Launch a popout player that will always stay on top (Beta – fixed for new UI)

To enable this feature:
Go to chrome://flags/#enable-panels
Enable panels (be careful, this is an experimental feature on Chrome)
Restart Chrome
Play a movie
Click on the Netflix Enhancer logo on the url bar, then click on the popcorn icon
Dock the panel on the lower right and it always stays on top
Need help? Watch the tutorial:

– Shows IMDb rating for show/movie
– If perfect match isn’t found, IMDb rating shows up in RED.
– Clicking on rating will open the IMDb page of that movie

Rotten Tomatoes
– Shows critic and audience rating for movies
– Clicking on rating will open the Rotten Tomatoes page of that movie

Show/Hide Row
– Gives ability to show and hide rows.
– “Show all” button on the very top of the page

– Shows Trailers for movies

Permissions Explained:
Used to get rating for either Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb

Disclaimer: Netflix, IMDb, and Rotten Tomatoes are registered trademarks and have no affiliation to this extension.